Our Mission Statement
Living our lives as Jesus wants us to
- Always be the best that you can be
- Respect the world and everyone in it
- Love, Forgive and reconcile
John 15:12 Love each other as I have loved you
Following our mission statement, we are a very small church school, much like a family, with a child-centred approach. We work closely with family, friends, and members of the community to embed the love of God throughout our curriculum. We want our children to believe they can be whatever they want to be and achieve whatever they set out to achieve. It is our intent that children will develop a love of learning through exciting, challenging and stimulating experiences, enriched by visits and visitors. Developing the whole child is extremely important to us. Our children will learn to love themselves and one another and embrace the differences in modern society.
At Altham St. James, the curriculum is designed to: recognise children’s prior learning, provide first hand learning experiences, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. We aim to nurture children who can plan for tasks independently and reflect upon their success. Pupils who can engage and talk about their learning in an environment where nobody is afraid to make a mistake, but where they can fully engage with feedback and use it to improve future learning.
School will provide a curriculum where knowledge is cumulative and prior learning is built upon in a sequence that ensures sufficient knowledge and skills are gained for future life. We will provide a variety of relevant experiences for our children both inside and outside the classroom and our visitors will be people who our children may one day aspire to be. Where possible we will use our close links with the community to provide learning opportunities which will engage and enthuse our learners. We will also seek contributions from people from different cultures and communities to the world in which the pupils live.
Developing a love of reading will be at the centre of our learning. From the children’s first day at school, there will be a sharp focus on ensuring that they gain the phonics knowledge and language comprehension necessary to read, and the skills to communicate, as we feel these are the foundations for future learning to take place.
We aim to create a culture of challenge, where children have the opportunity to push themselves through problem solving, challenging questioning and reasoning activities across the curriculum. This curriculum will contain a broad range of subjects covering the Early Years Outcomes and National Curriculum Programmes of Study throughout school.
In summary, we want every one of our children to leave school with a range of skills and knowledge that will equip them for life in modern day Britain. They will have been exposed to a range of learning experiences, met aspirational people and visited places which will inspire them and give them an idea as to the direction they want their life to take. With our faith at the heart of all we do, children will grow spiritually and morally, through a nurtured self-awareness, to become the best they can possibly be.
We endeavour to organise learning for maximum impact. The school is organised in the following way.
Reception pupils are taught in their own classroom and have their own well-resourced out door area.
The Year One and Two pupils are housed in the Infant classroom. They are split for differentiated English/ phonics and mathematics lessons in the morning and work as a whole class in the afternoon.
Key Stage Two (Juniors) has four year-groups (Year Three to Year Six) and splits into two classes (Year 3/ 4 and Year 5/6). Our admission number is now 12 per cohort.
The foundation curriculum follows a two year rolling programme.
We plan our lessons with clear learning objectives. We base these upon the teacher’s detailed knowledge of each child and we make sure that pupils have a clear understanding of what they will learn each lesson. Staff are aware of those individual children who do not achieve the expected standard and provide feedback and plan for opportunities for reinforcement or intervention. It is our aim that no one is allowed to ‘slip through the net’. In the same way, staff are aware of those who are more able and provide those children with extra challenge.
Day‐to‐day, on-going assessment is a crucial method of assessment which provides instant feedback to the teacher and ensures progress within every lesson. Assessment for learning (AFL) strategies are used in all lessons. These strategies provide a clear picture of a child’s level of understanding and, ensure that teachers can quickly assess when a child does not understand and needs greater support. AfL is used to inform planning for subsequent lessons.
Progress is assessed regularly. At the end of each term, assessment data is gathered and progress is checked and tracked. In English or maths, rapid interventions are put in place to address gaps in learning.
The impact of the curriculum is evident in the outcomes for all pupils. At Altham, it is our aim that pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the whole curriculum.
Altham St James’ is a small school, with multi-age-classes. As such, the organisation of the curriculum needs to ensure that each child meets every area of study during their time in one class, but that no area is repeated unnecessarily. To this end we have adopted a curriculum map working on a range of cycles. This is in the process of revision to meet the requirements of Curriculum 2014. The accompanying documents outline this in detail. Whilst these are working documents, and will be updated as the new curriculum becomes embedded, we believe that this approach allows every pupil to access their entitlement.
Beyond this, we also have a skills spine in every subject that is progressive. For example, we would expect a child at Year 3 to be learning, practising and applying certain skills within history – whereas a child at Year 4, although studying the same historical period, would be learning, practising and applying more advanced skills.
The government’s review documentation can be found here
Phonics, Reading and Spelling
Our school philosophy is to instill a passion for reading. Children are encouraged to develop a love of reading and this starts with the staff’s positive appreciation and love of books through a class read. We promote reading for pleasure as well as reading for learning. Children are often heard having reading conversations with staff and with one another and are delighted to try new books recommended to them. Literacy topics are based in and around a book and parents often enquire about the books the children are enjoying. Children receive books for prizes, have author days and enjoy a story at the end of the day. Reading is BIG here!
At Altham St. James we use the Read, Write Inc. Phonics Programme followed by the Read, Write Inc. Spelling Programme.
Read Write Inc., Phonics is an inclusive literacy programme for all children learning to read. It teaches synthetic phonics. Children learn the 44 common sounds in the English language and how to blend them to read and spell. The scheme includes both a reading and a writing focus. Reading is the key that unlocks the whole curriculum so the ability to efficiently decode is essential. The R.W.I sessions are expected to occur each day with no exceptions, as the continuity and pace of the programme is key to accelerating the progress of children’s reading development.
For more information please click on the link below.
Both KS1 and KS2 follow the Read Write Inc. Spelling resource, which is a 15-minute-a-day programme for Years 2 to 6.
Grammar and Punctuation
This is taught both within reading and writing lessons and as stand alone lessons. R.W.I. and Headstart are used to support teaching.
Reception and Year 1
Writing at R and Y1 is included in the daily RWI session, it includes handwriting, ‘hold the sentence’ – dictation, spelling and at Y1 and later FS, short pieces of independent writing based upon the texts read that week.
In Year 2, the children follow the Read, Write Inc, language and literacy programme. This teaches the children to read, write and discuss texts. It uses a mixture of written stories and non-fiction texts and includes the teaching of comprehension, vocabulary and grammar.
From Key Stage Two more formal opportunities to attempt a variety of styles of writing for various audiences are planned (either as a stand alone activity or in association with other activities in the curriculum), and children may be required to write drafts, redrafts and do final copies.
In KS2 our children continue to learn that there are different reasons for writing and to match the style to the purpose. A rolling programme of different genres is taught. Each unit of work usually begins with looking at an example text and studying their content and features. The children are then required to plan, write and edit their work.
Literacy Overview
Mathematics equips pupils with the uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways.
Mathematics is important in everyday life. It is integral to all aspects of life and with this in mind, at Altham St. James’ we endeavour to ensure that children develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them.
The Mathematics National Curriculum 2014 describes what must be taught in each key stage. This ensures continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics. In early years, the curriculum is guided by the Early Learning Goals.
Our pupils should:
- have a sense of the size of a number and where it fits into the number system
- know by heart number facts such as number bonds, multiplication tables, doubles and halves
- use what they know by heart to figure out numbers mentally
- calculate accurately and efficiently, both mentally and in writing and paper, drawing on a range of calculation strategies
- make sense of number problems, including non routine problems, and recognise the operations needed to solve them
- explain their methods and reasoning using correct mathematical terms
- judge whether their answers are reasonable and have strategies for checking them where necessary
- suggest suitable units for measuring and make sensible estimates of measurements
- explain and make predictions from the numbers in graphs, diagrams, charts and tables
- develop spatial awareness and an understanding of the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
Pupils are provided with a variety of opportunities to develop and extend their mathematical skills in and across each phase of education.
Lessons usually start with an opportunity to practise arithmetic skills previously taught or revisit a concept. This will be followed by the main teaching activity. Lessons include the opportunity to apply reasoning skills.
At Altham St. James Primary School, we recognise the importance of establishing a secure foundation in mental calculation and recall of number facts. Emphasis is put on learning number bonds and multiplication tables.
Mathematics contributes to many subjects and it is important the children be given opportunities to apply and use mathematics in real contexts.
We endeavour at all times to set work that is challenging, motivating and encourages the pupils to talk about what they have been doing.
For all other curriculum documentation, click below.
Please find the Calculations Policy Here
Science is a systematic investigation of the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the world, which relies on first hand experiences and on other sources of information. The scientific process and pupils’ problem-solving activities will be used to deepen their understanding of the concepts involved. The main aspects of science to be studied will be determined by the programmes of study of the National Curriculum 2014.
Through science, pupils at Altham St. School will continue to deepen their respect, care and appreciation for the natural world and all its phenomena.
The following objectives form the basis of our decisions when planning work:
- to develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in science and an appreciation of its contribution to all aspects of everyday life
- to develop a knowledge and appreciation of the contribution made by famous scientists to our knowledge of the world including scientists from different cultures
- to encourage pupils to relate their scientific studies to applications and effects within the real world
- to develop a knowledge of the science contained within the programmes of study of the National Curriculum
- To build on pupils’ curiosity and sense of awe of the natural world
- to develop in pupils a general sense of enquiry which encourages them to question and make suggestions
- to encourage pupils to predict the likely outcome of their investigations and practical activities
- To use a planned range of investigations and practical activities to give pupils a greater understanding of the concepts and knowledge of science
- to provide pupils with a range of specific investigations and practical work which gives them a worth-while experience to develop their understanding of science
- to develop progressively pupils’ ability to plan, carry out and evaluate simple scientific investigations and to appreciate the meaning of a ‘fair test’
- To develop the ability to record results in an appropriate manner including the use of
diagrams, graphs, tables and charts - to introduce pupils to the language and vocabulary of science
- to give pupils regular opportunities to use the scientific terms necessary to communicate ideas about science
- to develop pupils’ basic practical skills and their ability to make accurate and appropriate measurements
- within practical activities give pupils opportunities to use a range of simple scientific measuring instruments such as thermometers and force meters and develop their skill in being able to read them
- To develop pupils’ use of ICT in their science studies
- to give pupils opportunities to use ICT (video, digital camera, data logger) to record their work and to store results for future retrieval throughout their science studies
- to give pupils the chance to obtain information using the internet
Science Overview
Religious Education
The school follows the Blackburn Diocesan Syllabus ‘Understanding Christianity’ Text, Impact & Connection.
Our aims are to enable children to:
- Have a sense of curiosity and excitement about the world and to encourage them to search for truth, meaning and purpose in life; and to have an opportunity to develop their own beliefs, values and attitudes in the beginning of their search for a faith by which to live. We aim to support this by providing a secure, caring and nurturing environment in the context of a Christian Community/Church School.
- Have a knowledge and understanding of Christianity as a living faith and become aware of the place and significance of Christianity, and other religions, in the contemporary world.
- Have an understanding of, and respect for, other major world faiths.
- See creation and the natural world as part of God’s revelation of himself.
- Explore the nature of religious symbolism and language.
- Explore and go some way towards finding their own answers to “life questions” such as origin, suffering, evil, death, etc.
- Develop appropriate attitudes, and an appropriate body of knowledge.
We will aim at all times to value children’s own beliefs (which may be other than Christian).
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex education)
At Altham St. James’ CE Primary School, we believe that PSHE and RSE helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives, in order to become informed, active and responsible citizens. All aspect will be taught in an age-appropriate way.
We aim to:
- promote healthy attitudes towards life both physically and emotionally.
- provide knowledge to help children understand their own and others’ rights in the wider political world.
- provide children with opportunities to develop an awareness of being a good citizen as part of a larger community.
Personal and Social Education is taking place all the time in school. It is reflected in the ethos of the school, the nature of relationships with, and between staff, the displays in school and the outside environment of the school. The staff also teach PSHE in class, groups and support groups when necessary. It is taught in the following ways:
- In the classroom as a discrete subject
- In the classroom as part of the broader curriculum
- In assemblies
- On school visits
- By visitors to school
- Through the Life Education Van
- Through curriculum enrichment. For example, raising money for charity or taking part in local community ventures
In order to teach the children to be resilient learners, we use and talk to the children about building learning power (BLP).
We also use ‘My Hidden Chimp’ by Professor Steve Peters (author of the Chimp Paradox). This focuses on helping the children to understand and manage their emotions, thinking and behaviour with ten helpful habits:
- Smiling
- Saying sorry
- Being kind to someone
- Talking about your feelings
- Asking for help
- Showing good manners
- Trying new things
- Accepting when “no” really means no!
- Learning to share
- Doing what you have to do
Creative Curriculum Overview
At Altham St. James’ Primary School history and geography are taught through a topic approach. Our curriculum is carefully planned over a two year cycle to engage and excite all our learners. Our long-term and medium-term plans map out the skills and themes covered each term for each key stage. These plans define what we will teach and ensure an appropriate balance and distribution of work across each term.
At Altham St. James’ CE Primary we are committed to providing all children with learning opportunities to engage in history.
History is about real people who lived, and real events, which happened in the past. History is concerned with sequence, time and chronology and is the study of evidence about the past; it gives us a sense of identity, set within our social, political, cultural and economic relationships. History fires the children’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world and plays an essential part in preparing us for living and working in the contemporary world. Pupils consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics, and what beliefs and cultures influenced people’s actions. As they do this, children develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. They see the diversity of human experience, and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. What they learn can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. In history, children find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusions. To do this they need to be able to research, sift through evidence, and argue for their point of view – skills that are prized in adult life.
At Altham St. James’ we aim:
> To instill in the children a curiosity and understanding of events, places and people in a variety of times and environments.
> To develop an interest in the past and an appreciation of human achievements and aspirations.
> To understand the values of our society.
> To learn about the major issues and events in the history of our own country and of the world and how these events may have influenced one another.
> To develop a knowledge of chronology within which the children can organise their understanding of the past.
> To understand how the past was different from the present and that people of other times and places may have had different values and attitudes from ours.
> To understand the nature of evidence by emphasising the process of enquiry and by developing the range of skills required to interpret primary and secondary source materials.
> To distinguish between historical facts and the interpretation of those facts.
> To understand that events have a multiplicity of causes and that historical explanation is provisional, debatable and sometimes controversial.
Early Years
History is taught in Reception as an integral part of the topic work through child-initiated and adult led activities. The children are given the opportunity to find out about past and present events in their own lives, and those of their families and other people they know. In the Foundation stage, history makes a significant contribution to developing a children’s’ understanding of the world through activities such as looking at pictures of famous people in history or discovering the meaning of new and old in relation to their own lives.
Key Stage 1
During Key Stage 1, pupils learn about people’s lives and lifestyles. They find out about significant men, women, children and events from the recent and more distant past in Britain and the wider world. They listen, and respond to stories and use sources of information to help them ask and answer questions. They learn how the past is different from the present.
Key Stage 2
During Key Stage 2 pupils learn about significant people, events and places from both recent and more distant past. They learn about change and continuity in their own area, in Britain and in other parts of the world. They look at history in a variety of ways, for example from political, economic, technological and scientific, social, religious, cultural or aesthetic perspectives. They use different sources of information to help them investigate the past both in depth and in overview, using dates and historical vocabulary to describe events, people and developments. They also learn that the past can be represented and interpreted in different ways.
At Altham St. James we are committed to providing a high-quality geography education that will inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Our aim is to equip pupils with knowledge about their local environment, diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.
By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.
Early Years Foundation Stage:
We encourage the development of skills, knowledge and understanding that help reception children make sense of their world. We plan opportunities based on Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The Development Matters statements for Geography can be mainly found in the EYFS Specific Area of ‘Understanding the World’. ‘. The development matters statements support the curriculum planning for children aged birth to five and forms the foundations for later work in Geography. These early experiences include exploring and investigating, drawing on their own personal experiences and observing closely using their senses. They will also include using age appropriate software and technology.
Key stage 1
Pupils will develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They will understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.
Key stage 2
Pupils will extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. This will include the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. They will develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge.
The objectives of teaching music in our school are to enable children to:
- Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians
- Learn to sing and use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of excellence
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations
Teaching and learning style
At Altham School, we make music an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. Singing lies at the heart of good music teaching. Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to sing in tune and with other people. Through singing songs, children learn about the structure and organisation of music. We teach them to listen to and appreciate different forms of music. As children get older, we expect them to maintain their concentration for longer, and to listen to more extended pieces of music. Children develop descriptive skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent feelings and emotions. We teach children to make music together, to understand musical notation, and to compose pieces.
Music curriculum planning
Our school uses Charanga as the basis for its curriculum planning. This is a complete scheme with a library of songs, topics, instruments and creative apps. There are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each teaching unit, the progression planned into the scheme of work means that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
We teach music in reception classes as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. As the reception class is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the musical aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five. Music contributes to a child’s personal and social development. Counting songs foster a child’s mathematical ability, and songs from different cultures increase a child’s knowledge and understanding of the world. The reception cohort is also taught music as part of the mixed age group infant class.
Key Stage 1
Following the Charanga scheme of work, KS1 have adopted a two-year cycle, considering the mixed age class. The foundation stage dip into this and have their learning set at an appropriate level. The scheme covers the national curriculum to ensure all pupils experience the following: performance, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of great composers and musicians.
Children learn to sing, create and compose music. They have opportunities to play musical instruments and ‘show-case’ their talents. Children who show a talent and interest in a particular instrument are ‘signposted’, with their parents, on the ways to develop their skills further.
Key Stage 2
In KS2, we continue to follow the Charanga scheme of work. Wherever possible, work is linked to topics and performances. As with KS1, the scheme covers the national curriculum and the units are progressive.
The school choir and musical events
We believe that music enriches the lives of people, and so we wish to involve as many children as possible in musical activities. We have a school choir, which we encourage all children from Year 3-6 to join. The choir meets on a weekly basis and, although its primary aim is to enable children to enjoy singing together, it also performs in public on a number of occasions throughout the year.
We provide opportunities throughout the year for budding musicians to perform for the school community. This includes solo and ensemble performances as part of assemblies, concerts and school performances. This recognises their achievements and celebrates their success.
Art and Design
At Altham we aim:
- To enable all children to have access to a varied range of high quality art experiences
- To provide an imaginative, innovative and co-ordinated art programme which will foster enthusiasm for art and design amongst all the children
- To foster an enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts and a knowledge of artists, craftspeople and designers, through links with the local and wider multicultural community.
- To stimulate children’s creativity and imagination by providing visual, tactile and sensory experience
- To help children explore the world at first hand, using all their senses and experimentation, and so gain knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live
- To develop children’s understanding of colour, form, texture, pattern and their ability to use materials and processes to communicate ideas, feelings and meanings
- To inspire confidence, value and pleasure in art
- To cultivate children’s aesthetic awareness and enable them to make informed judgements about art and become actively involved in shaping environments
- To teach children to express their own ideas, feelings, thoughts and experiences
- To develop children’s design capability
- To enhance children’s ability to value the contribution made by artists, craft workers and designers and respond critically and imaginatively to ideas, images and objects.
At Altham, art is taught as a stand-alone subject as well as being included in topic work where appropriate. Our curriculum is carefully planned to engage and excite all our learners.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The Reception children will be given the opportunity to explore colour, texture, shape and form in two and three dimensions. The children will have access to a wide range of constructions, collage, painting and drawing activities, using appropriate tools and art materials. In order to tap their artistic potential, the children will be encouraged to develop their own creative ideas.
Key Stage 1
During Key Stage 1, Art and Design is about expanding children’s creativity and imagination through providing art, craft and design activities relating to the children’s own identity and experiences, to natural and manufactured objects and materials with which they are familiar, and the locality in which they live.
- Children will explore the visual, tactile and sensory qualities of materials and processes and begin to understand and use colour, shape and space, pattern and texture, to represent their own ideas and feelings.
- Children will focus on the work of artists, craftspeople and designers by asking and answering questions, such as: ‘What is it like?’ ‘What do I think about it?’
Key Stage 2
During Key Stage 2, Art and Design is about fostering children’s creativity and imagination by building on their knowledge, skills and understanding of materials and processes, through providing more complex activities. Children’s experiences help them to understand the diverse roles and functions of Art and Design in the world around them.
Physical Education
We aim to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
We understand that physical education develops pupils’ physical competence and confidence and their ability to use these to perform in a range of activities. It promotes physical skilfulness, physical development and knowledge of the body in action. PE provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles. Pupils learn how to think in different ways to suit a wide variety of creative, competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve their quality and effectiveness.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In the Foundation stage the children will develop their fine and gross motor skills through the Physical Development area of the EYFS curriculum.
Key Stage 1
Pupils will develop fundamental movement skills. They will become increasingly competent and confident. They will access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They will have opportunity to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
Pupils will be taught to:
- Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
- participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
- perform dances using simple movement patterns
Key Stage 2
Pupils will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills. They will learn how to use them in different ways and to link them, to make actions and sequences of movement.
They will have opportunity to communicate, collaborate and compete with each other. They will develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and will learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
Pupils will be taught to:
- use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
- play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
- develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through
athletics and gymnastics]
- perform dances using a range of movement patterns
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
- compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
Pupils in KS2 will have opportunity to learn to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Planning Continuity and Progression
The class teachers will generally be responsible for Physical Education provision and will be guided by the Physical Development Early Learning Goals (EYFS) and the Programmes of Study (National Curriculum 2014).
Qualified sports coaches will also deliver lessons to pupils for a range of different sports. This will not only provide high quality PE teaching, but will enable staff to observe and enhance their professional development.
- The school will follow long term plans with skills progression for each year group based on the National Curriculum for PE
- Lessons are based on the Lancashire scheme of work.
Modern Foreign Languages
At Altham St. James’ we teach a modern foreign language to all the children through school (including EYFS and KS1) for several reasons:
- The learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for pupils.
- There is good evidence that the earlier a child is exposed to a foreign language, the faster the language is acquired and the learning becomes deeper and longer lasting.
- It is widely believed that the early acquisition of a foreign language facilitates the learning of other languages later in life.
- The learning of a foreign language provides a medium for cross-curricular links and for the reinforcement of knowledge, skills and understanding developed in other subjects.
German is taught in EYFS and KS1, French is taught in KS2.
Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of learning a modern foreign language in Altham St. James’ are:
- To foster an interest in learning other languages.
- To introduce young children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and fun.
- To make young children aware that language has structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another.
- To help children develop their awareness and interest of cultural differences in other countries.
- To develop confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing in another language.
- To lay the foundations for future study.
We teach French to children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 for approximately 30 minutes a week. This can be arranged in one session per week, over several short sessions during the week or blocked into longer periods of time. In EYFS and KS1, children are introduced to German through short sessions over the school year.
The curriculum that we follow is based on the guidance given in the National Curriculum Programme of Study for KS2 and we use Early Start languages 1 and 2 and Espresso to support teaching.
Pupils should be taught to:
- Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding
- Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words
- Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help
- Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures
- Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases
- Present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences
- Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing
- Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language
- Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary
- Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing
- Understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, including (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how these differ from or are similar to English.
Methodology Guidelines:
- Lessons may include games, songs, drama, storytelling, role-play and active participation to encourage active use and enjoyment of the language.
- The main emphasis should be on speaking and listening. Reading and writing should be included with greater frequency as the children advance through KS2.
- Where appropriate and practicable, teachers use the foreign language during the normal school day e.g. greetings, days, dates, the weather, praise etc. Repetition is valuable.
- Teachers may choose to relate the foreign language to other areas of the curriculum where there is a natural link.
We build children’s confidence through constant praise for any contribution they make in the foreign language, however tentative.
At our school we teach a foreign language to all children, whatever their ability. A foreign language forms part of the school curriculum to provide a broad and balanced education to all children.
Through our foreign language teaching we provide learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make progress. We do this by setting suitable learning challenges and responding to each child’s different needs. We enable pupils to have access to the full range of activities involved in learning a modern foreign language.
To support the learning that goes on in school, we also send homework home on a weekly basis. The leaflet below gives details of the homework timetable for each class.