Altham St James’ is a small, church school much like a family, with a child-centred
approach. We work closely with family, friends and members of the church community to
embed the love of God through living and learning together.
Altham St James
Although we strive for good academic results, we are well aware that academic ability is not the be-all-and-end-all. Children have many different interests, skills and abilities and huge potential, and we work hard to make the education we offer as…
Weekly Newsletter
01282 772174
Altham St. James’ CE Primary School, Burnley Road, Altham,
Lancashire, BB5 5UH.
Headteacher: Headteacher Mrs Carol Woods BSC(Hons) PGCE
School Office: Mrs. Sarah Kenyon
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo): Mrs Carol Woods
Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs Jill Jones (
Clerk to the Governors: Mrs A Whittingham (who may be contacted through school)
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